Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mehmood Abbasi appreciated the continued services of Cadet College Petaro in educating and grooming the young cadets from all over Pakistan. He was addressing the 58th annual Parents Day of Cadet College Petaro as chief guest here Sunday. Admiral Zafar Mehmood Abbasi appreciated the efforts being put in by the Sindh government, Headquarters Commander Karachi, the College Administration and faculty in providing conducive learning and grooming environment. While addressing the cadets, the Chief of Naval Staff emphasized on character building and observance of basic Islamic teaching, which leads towards a noble, respectable, dignified lifestyle. He also appreciated the efforts of cadets in putting up and grand annual display of parade, horse riding and physical fitness. The Chairman Board of Governors Cadet College Petaro and Commander Karachi Rear Admiral Zahid Ilyas HI(M), S.Bt, Flag officers, Military officers, senior officials of Sindh Government, Ex. Petarians, large number of parents and other guests attended the event. Earlier, Principal Cadet College Petaro, Commodore Mehboob Elahi Malik SI(M) welcomed the guests and presented him the College’s annual report. During the event, an exhibition of club activities was also arranged, where cadets displayed stalls of their talents. The chief guest visited the exhibition and appreciated efforts and talents of the cadets. He gave away prizes to the award winners. Jinnah House was declared as the champion House. Cadet Aftab Ahmed won the Badge of Honour, cadet Bilal Sarwar won the Stick of Honour and cadet Muhammad Rabeet won the Best Academic Certificate.
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Annual Parents Day held at Cadet College Petaro
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