Brussels-based Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) highly lauded the great Kashmiri martyrs Maqbool Butt and Dr Afzal Guru for their unmatchable struggle for freedom.
While addressing a gathering arranged by the council at its secretariat in Brussels on the occasion of martyrdom anniversaries of both of the prominent Kashmiri freedom figures, KC-EU’s Chairman Ali Raza Syed said, “We cannot forget our martyrs,” a message received here on Sunday said.
Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and across the world observe the martyrdom anniversary of Afzal Guru on 9th February every year. He was hanged and buried at New Delhi’s Tihar prison by the Indian Authorities on Feb 9, 2013. Maqbool Butt was also hanged and buried in Tihar Jail on the 11th of February in 1984 for his leading role in Kashmir’s liberation struggle.
Paying rich tribute to both of the Kashmiri figures, the KC-EU head said by sacrificing their lives, Butt and Guru had offered a matchless struggle for the liberation of the beloved homeland of Jammu and Kashmir.
Ali Raza asked the Indian government to hand over the remains of Afzal Guru and Maqbool Butt to their families in Kashmir for a proper funeral and decent burial. He added the two great martyrs are lights for the struggle of the people of Kashmir for their right to self-determination.
He said Indian authorities acted inhumanely by holding the bodies of the martyrs at jail premises for a long time. No human being and no one of the civilised societies in the world accepts such ruthless behaviour as India is doing with the Kashmiris.
He said it was proved that Afzal Guru was hanged in a fake allegation and Maqbool Butt was also targeted because of his struggle for freedom of Jammu and Kashmir.
Ali Raza also warned that by killing people and committing crimes against humanity in occupied Kashmir and constant military restrictions in the Kashmir valley, India cannot stop the peaceful movement of the Kashmiris.
The people of Kashmir are struggling for the right of self-determination accepted under the UN Security Council’s resolutions and as per a promise committed by the Indian authorities.
He demanded of the world community to make necessary steps in order to stop atrocities against the innocent and peaceful people of Kashmir and play a role in a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue.